Lab info
Table of contents
Lab members and contact info
Location of lab and office
Lab email address and password
Keys and passcodes
Billing info
Booking rooms
Lab members and contact info
1. Glennis Logsdon (PI)
phone: 270-404-2662
PennKey: glogsdon
PennID: 17005512
2. Shu-Cheng Chuang (Research Specialist)
phone: 480-527-8885
PennKey: scchuang
PennID: 86777733
3. Keith Oshima (Bioinformatician)
phone: 323-787-2402
PennKey: koisland
PennID: 36148521
4. Savana Hadjipanteli (CAMB G&E Ph.D. student)
phone: 703-517-9121
PennKey: savana
PennID: 77885923
5. Carolina Montano (Pediatric Genetics T32 fellow and attending)
phone: TBD
PennKey: montanoc
6. Mohamed Imran (goes by Imran; postdoc)
phone: TBD
PennKey: mdimran
PennID: 21500301
7. Shenghan Gao (Postdoc)
phone: 215-909-1590
PennKey: gsh1228
PennID: 82894401
Location of lab and office
We are located in the Smilow Center for Translational Research on 3400 Civic Center Blvd.
The lab’s address (for shipping):
Recipient’s name (or Shu-Cheng Chuang)
9-176 Smilow Center for Translational Research
3400 Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Glennis’s office (for visits):
9-133 Smilow Center for Translational Research
3400 Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Lab email address and password
The lab's email address is:
The password is: ~sxW>Ks5M+C>a.4
You can use this email account to sign up for applications or services that require an email address and would be used by many members of the lab (e.g., TeamViewer, FedEx, etc.)
Keys and passcodes
Keys to the -20C freezer and flammable cabinet are located in the top drawer of Shu-Cheng's bench (ask Shu-Cheng or Glennis if you can't find it).
The passcode for the -80 freezer lock is 917576, and the PIN to change the settings is 9175.
To trace our sharps waste, go to, and log in:
User ID: ST173440
Password: 2024GLsharps
The Logsdon lab order sheet is available here. Please add to it when you need to purchase an item. Shu-Cheng will place orders weekly or as needed for urgent items.
Billing info
Please make all charges to Glennis’s R00 grant (for research-related items) or start-up fund (for technology or miscellaneous items).
R00 (research-related): 400-4108-4-589213-5228-2426-5362
Berkeley grant (research-related): 400-4108-4-589735-5228-2426-5362
Start-up (technology or miscellaneous): 400-4108-2-014005-5249-2426-5362
Start-up (research-related; use if R00 runs out): 400-4108-2-014005-5228-2426-5362
Booking rooms
To book rooms 9-100, 9-120, or 9-158:
Send an email to Joanne and Colleen, or just stop by and ask one of them (Joanne is primary, and Colleen is her back-up).
Diona can also book these if neither of them are available.
These rooms are not managed by the Scheduling and Event Services Department, so there are no rules around food/alcohol, and housekeeping cleans them once at the end of the day, so folks make sure to tidy up after their meetings.
Room 9-158 is kept unlocked and is available as a quiet place for trainees to work outside the lab, and they are welcome to use the computers in there. They only need to reserve it if they need privacy and want to lock the door (it's being used a lot for interviews right now). If it ever is locked, Joanne has the key (which Colleen can get if Joanne is out).
The AV in these rooms is pretty straightforward, but Joanne or Colleen could help if you run into any trouble.
The Epigenetics Institute also owns a fancy camera for hybrid meetings ( that we can use for lab meetings. We keep it in the cabinet outside of Shelley's office and can ask Roberto Bonasio's lab manager, Tim, how it works as they use it for their lab meetings.
There are rooms that end in "100" and "120" available to reserve on the 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th floors as well, so Joanne and Colleen sometimes reach out to our colleagues on those floors if the 9th floor rooms are not available.
Joanne and Colleen can also book room 9-146 and all the 146 rooms on the other floors. These (and many other rooms around the Med School campus, which they can also book) are managed by SES and must be reserved through their system. If you're bringing in food we have to fill out the caterer info in their system, and we also have to check a box that if we're serving alcohol we hired a Penn-approved bartender. You have to put in a budget code to reserve these rooms (in case of damage), and AV support is available for a fee. Housecleaning comes after every meeting and resets the room.